The ductwork is the backbone of a home’s HVAC system, delivering air from air conditioners or furnaces. It’s this stage of the home heating and cooling process that most influences your system’s energy efficiency and is often overlooked. That’s why Blue Ox Heating & Air offers custom ductwork to ensure that your system matches your structure. We do our own ductwork construction after determining how and where tubing and connections will run within your home.

Sized to Fit your Needs: Your home is unique, so why would you settle for standard sized ductwork that may be too large or too small for the space? Custom ductwork makes sure your home is fitted properly to ensure optimal operation of the HVAC system.
Improved Efficiency: When custom ductwork is installed in your home, air can travel through the ducts without interruptions, meaning it gets to you quickly and without losing energy. It also keeps your HVAC system from being overworked. Bottom line, the improved efficiency reduces waste and saves you money!
Increased Performance: With a system fitted to your home and more-efficient ducts, you’ll enjoy increased system performance. Your custom ductwork will improve the temperature regulation in your home, helping you avoid fluctuating temperatures throughout your house, and keeping you comfortable year-round.

Blue Ox has over 100 years of combined experience in meeting the heating and cooling needs of Minnesota residents. That experience has taught us that a majority of heating and cooling savings come from not wasting energy by pushing more air through a system to compensate for its design inadequacies. This is where custom ductwork comes in.
- Size: Imagine trying to blow air through a length of PVC pipe. Odds are not much is coming out of the other end. Now imagine doing the same thing with a straw, there is an immediate difference. Ductwork is much the same. Ducts that are too large require more energy to push the air through the system.
- Special Connections: Most energy is lost at junctions in your network of ducts, be it at the plenum, distribution box, or the register. Making sure that these connective ducts fit the contours of the areas they’re placed in helps to cut down on the amount of air lost.
By allowing Blue Ox to outfit your home’s HVAC system with custom ductwork, you can avoid the financial pitfalls that can come with choosing a “one-size-fits-all” system not designed to meet your specific heating and cooling needs.